Your club is likely experiencing a period of unprecedented change. It might even feel at times like there aren’t enough hours in the day to keep on top of everything required to run your business. You feel you’re at a crossroads. Whatever isn’t working needs to be fixed and if that includes your club technology, these are three questions to ask when looking for a new technology partner.

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What problems do we have with the current technology?

Your club has unique needs and perhaps your current provider is falling short of your expectations. Turn these problems into a list of goals that your next provider will be able to help you achieve.

What features are must haves in the new software solution?

Most clubs will want to take advantage of a system that offers all the features and functionality it requires from a single technology partner. Create a list of must haves with your department heads and be prepared to bring it to the table when you start shopping.

What services does the provider offer beyond the software solution?

Installation and implementation, training for your staff, and ongoing support are three of the essential services that you would expect from a new technology partner.


Learn more about how your club can choose the right software provider!

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